We have Termite Pre-Treatment Services Available:

Termite pre-treatment to new structures is one of the things that everyone should do. The cost of termite pre-treatment is minimal compared to the costs to work on a house with a termite issue.
There are different types of treatments which are typically applied during construction, at certain times, depending on the type of structure. Properly treated structures are sometimes able to resist termites for a much longer period of time, and termiticides applied during construction are generally applied to areas that are unavailable after construction is complete. This would tend to make pre-treatments much more preferable to post treatments.
• Slab on Treatment: This treatment is applied during the construction process. Applied directly to the areas that can be vulnerable to termite infestation. After all slab areas are prepared by filling and leveling, termiticides are applied to the surface just previous to pouring the concrete slab.

• Soil Treatment: Building construction employs several different types of foundations. Each type requires special treatment measures in order to achieve effective termite control. For example; raised block slab, beach house, crawlspace, or a combination of these construction types require termiticide application to the areas where the structure meets the soil. The amount required to be applied depends upon the construction style.

• Spray Treatment (Bora-Care): Homeowners should request Bora-Care for the termite pre-treatment of their new homes. Bora-Care replaces old-style soil termiticides which are pumped into the ground under and around the house. It diffuses into wood and remains there for the life of the wood, providing residual protection & eliminates the need to pump hundreds of gallons of pesticides into, around and under your home.

Termite Post-Treatment Services:

• Fumigation / Tenting: Fumigation is a method of using a lethal gas to exterminate pests within an enclosed space. There are two fumigation methods used. One is to seal the structure with plastic, tape, or other materials, and the other is to enclose the structure in a tent of vinyl-coated nylon tarpaulins. When conducting whole-structure fumigation, we will follow a proven process that has been used successfully for over half a century to ensure all the drywood termites are eliminated. To determine whether you have drywood termites and require fumigation, contact your local pest control experts.

• Local Treatments: Not all homes need to be fumigated. If your home only has a few small areas of drywood termite infestations and they are accessible for treatment, localized treatments can be very effective. Each home is unique so treatment should be customized accordingly. By working closely with your termite specialist, you can develop an appropriate and effective termite treatment plan for your home. The most common termite treatment options are outlined below.
"Drill and Treat": This treatment is applied directly to the affected areas. We drill small holes into the infested wood, and then inject registered termiticide into the termite galleries. The termiticide will follow the galleries, killing present termites. There are various forms of this treatment, such as drilling into the wood, or drilling into concrete slabs, and performing what is known as a "Trenching". The type of treatments used will vary depending on the situation.
Orange Oil Treatment: An orange oil treatment for termites is localized spot application of each identified infestation and will only kill termites in the areas treated. Treatment requires a "Drill and Treat" method to be applied to the infested wood. It is effective on drywood termites, not subterranean. It is an effective alternative but traditional treatments and fumigation are still valid options. Only fumigation can guarantee complete drywood termite eradication of an entire structure.

Dry Rot & Fungus Treatment: Dry rot is a condition of wood in which a fungus breaks down the wood fibers and renders the wood weak and brittle. Excess moisture is the root cause of dry rot. Borate wood preservatives, or Bora-Care Treatment can be used to treat and prevent fungal growth in some situations.

Different types of Termite Infestations:
There are more than 40 species of termites in the U.S. Because different species require different control methods, it is very important that your pest control expert correctly identify the termites before treating an infestation. We will be focusing on the 4 main groups that will be dealt with. For more information regarding the various types of termites please contact your local pest control experts.
Drywood Termites:

Just as the name suggests, drywood termites live in dry wood. Unlike many other termite species, they do not need contact with the soil to survive. These termites commonly target the wood in your home’s structural timbers, framing, furniture and hardwood flooring. Wood consumed by drywood termites appears very clean and smooth – as if the wood had been smoothed by sand paper. They are usually found in warmer climates that do not reach freezing temperatures in the winter. However, this species of termite can survive in northern climates in homes with air conditioning.
Dampwood Termites:

Dampwood termites live only in wood with high moisture content. Most dampwood termite species do not require contact with the soil to survive, and are often found in moist or decaying wood in logs, stumps and dead trees. Dampwood termites leave few external signs of wood damage, with the amount and pattern of damage depending on the degree of wood decay. They are visibly larger than other termite species. There are several species of dampwood termites in the United States, the majority of which live in the Pacific coast and Southwest regions, and from central to southern Florida.
Subterranean Termites:

Subterranean termites live in the soil underground. This termite species prefers to eat soft, spring wood fiber, which means wood damaged by subterranean termites has a honeycombed appearance, with only the grain left behind. Unlike drywood termite colonies, subterranean termite colonies can contain thousands of workers.
Subterranean termites are found in every state in the U.S., except Alaska.Typically these type of termite infestations are most common in warmer climates, particularly in southern and southeastern states.
Formosan Termites:

Formosan termites are the most destructive species of subterranean termite in the United States. Formosan termites may be distinguished from other subterranean termite species by their slightly larger size and yellowish brown bodies. Formosan termite colonies are typically larger than subterranean colonies, numbering up to hundreds of thousands of members. It is this size difference that allows them to cause significantly more severe damage than other species of termites. This type of termite can be found across the southern United States, from California to Louisiana to Florida and Georgia.